A National Transaction & Listing Coordination Company for

real estate agents

SERVICE HOURS  Mon-Fri 9am-5pm ET

SERVICE HOURS  Mon-Fri 9am-5pm ET 

A National Transaction & Listing Coordination Company for

real estate agents

On the very first day of EntreLeadership Master Series in 2018 – I wrote this note/challenge to myself listing out a couple goals:

A little over a year later, EntreLeadership presented me with the 2019 Momentum Award for accomplishing exactly these goals I set just over a year ago!

I was presented this award by the trusted and powerful voice of Mr. Chris Hogan, a two-time #1 national best-selling author, finance coach and the dynamic host of The Chris Hogan Show, and Tammy Kornberg, an amazing EntreLeadership Advisor.



My takeaway was…AN AWARD! The 2019 Entreleadership Momentum Award is presented to one alumni of Master Series who has used the Entreleadership principles to grow their business; one who is passionate about growing their business, people and profits. EntreLeaders understand and apply the “Momentum Theorem”. The Momentum Theorem: Focused intensity over time, multiplied by God, equals unstoppable momentum. The Churchwell Group applied these business strategies to achieve tremendous success since attending Master Series in 2018. To be recognized and rewarded at this year’s event was an honor and a thrilling experience; one I’ll never forget thanks to Chris Hogan, Tammy Kornberg, Alex Judd, Nathan Janson, Leigh Orendorf, and the entire EntreLeadership team!



If you want to build/change your business – here is how I did it with mine.

The Momentum Award was not only based on measurable outcomes, it was also based on relationships built with the EntreLeadership team. Through my coaching and relationship building over the past year, we were able to grow our profits by over 250% which I contribute to being more intentional about building relationships. As the week unfolded at the event, more and more people came up to me offering kind congratulations, but they also wanted to know what I did to grow my business.

The biggest factor in building my biz last year was focusing on how-to communicate more effectively as a leader. Specifically regarding a strategy change to our hiring process. We became much more clear on the method of how we were looking for potential new hires and who should become part of our team. The people I met at EntreLeadership inspired me to DREAM BIG!



If you want to change your business and start your momentum, visit www.entreleadership.com. The site is a treasure trove of resources starting with Dave Ramsey’s book: EntreLeadership offering 20 years of Practical Business Wisdom. There are links to podcasts, reading guides along with other tools and resources.

May of 2020 is the EntreLeadership Summit in Orlando. This 4-day leadership conference featuring top CEOs, business giants, and leadership thought leaders, EntreLeadership Summit will inspire you, challenge you, and change the way you lead your organization. October of 2020 is the EntreLeadership Master Series in Nashville. This 5-day leadership conference teaches how to run your business with lessons straight from Dave’s EntreLeadership book.



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